Totalmobile offers organisations the technology to support their business to become more agile, by providing a single consolidated platform solution for housing associations which is fully configured to their needs. This is also the only solution on the market which has integrated asset management capability, enabling organisations to ensure compliance of all their assets in one single solution.

The sector is going through a sustained period of legislative change, much of which has been prompted by the Grenfell Tower fire. There is evidence of clear signs of sluggish productivity post-pandemic, with sluggish productivity causing some organisations to outsource maintenance work at increasing cost. Lack of visibility in reporting on voids and bad debts in annual reports has meant void turnarounds are taking much longer, limiting the availability of housing.
Totalmobile empowers the users within the organisations to develop their business processes and allowing them to change, evolve and scale them over time. We have a clear understanding of the sector and provide a service to suit their needs whilst giving the user full ownership.
We provide housing associations a solution that features a range of field service capabilities, organisations can take a complete approach to the:
- Optimisation of responsive repairs
- Voids management
- Planned works
- Asset management services
This empowers providers to deliver an effective repairs and maintenance service, that complies with all health and safety requirements and ensures the provision of high-quality housing to tenants.
Our Customers Benefit from
Trusted Solution
42% OF THE TOP 50
Proven Provider
Our Work
OVER 190
Our Platform
Key Features of Proposition
Our primary purpose is to help organsations manage all their activities and the delivery and compliance of those activities whilst increasing how we harness the data. This provides much more of a strategic insight into operations, efficiencies and ensure understanding of the status of properties.
- Job & Asset Management
- Mobile Working
- Scheduling
- Field Service Intelligence
- Lone Worker Protection
- Rostering
- Remote Assist
Job & Asset management
Front office, field teams and back-office functions including compliance, as well as asset management. We are putting the property at the heart of the module so all the interactions with that property, whether its reactive or planned, or generated from the tenant or the landlords, we have all the information in one single place.

Mobile Working
Designed around the needs of the mobile worker, mobilise provides a mobile solution that empowers your field workforce to capture intelligent data and access the information needed to deliver services efficiently, first time.

Dynamic workforce scheduling enabling organisations to better meet service demands with the resources available, Optimise provides a scheduling solution that ensures the most efficient allocation of staff to achieve complex scheduling goals, while maintaining the ability to rapidly react to required changes during the day.

Field Service Intelligence
A complete field service intelligence solution, that enables organisations to gain a full understanding of past, present and future service delivery. Specialised in providing in-depth access to real time data, organisations gain unprecedented visibility to all aspects of service delivery. This ensures that key information is available at the right time, to enable effective decisions, enhance field service performance and drive true operational value.

Lone Worker Protection
A fully managed lone worker solution that provides lone workers with the ability to raise alerts, contact an Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) and request emergency assistance if required.

A flexible and comprehensive rostering solution that enables organisations to effectively manage staff to meet specific and complex rostering requirements. Empowering organisations to take a modern and mixed approach to the make-up of their workforce, the single solution manages all staff to ensure the right people, with the appropriate skills are assigned to the required locations and shifts to ensure the delivery of high quality of services.

Remote Assist
The ability to provide remote support via video, enables organisations to reduce unnecessary visits where possible and where a visit is required, first time fix rates are improved as there is a greater understanding of what is required.