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What is Work Order Management? | Our Guide

Effective work order management helps you maintain operational efficiency and the smooth running of various organisational processes. That almost makes it sound straightforward! In reality, it is quite complex. So, what exactly is work order management, and how can it level up your approach to maintenance tasks?

In this blog, we will look at work order management and how leveraging modern technologies can transform your service operations.

What is Work Order Management?

Work order management is a systematic approach to creating, tracking, and completing organisational maintenance tasks and service requests. It encompasses the entire lifecycle of a work order – from the initial request through prioritisation, assignment, execution, and final closure. This process ensures that every task is addressed efficiently and effectively, minimising asset downtime and optimising resource allocation.

The market for work order management software is projected to reach USD 1949.6 Million by 2030 (Yahoo Finance). What’s driving this growth? The increasing importance of data-driven planning and budgeting. As more organisations adopt this technology, having an understanding of it’s core components is increasingly important. They include:

  • Maintenance Requests: The starting point where a need for maintenance work is identified and communicated.
  • Work Order Creation: Transforming these requests into structured, trackable work orders.
  • Prioritisation: Determining the urgency and importance of each work order.
  • Assignment and Scheduling: Allocating tasks to suitable personnel and scheduling them appropriately.
  • Execution: The actual performance of the maintenance work.
  • Documentation and Tracking: Recording progress, resource usage, and completion details.
  • Closure and Analysis: Finalising completed work orders and analysing them for insights and improvement

Is Work Order Management Important?

Having an efficient work order management process is crucial for several reasons:

Reducing Downtime

Timely completion of maintenance tasks minimises operational disruptions.

Resource Optimisation

Effective allocation of resources, including personnel, equipment, and materials.

Enhanced Accountability

Clear assignment and tracking of tasks improve responsibility and accountability among staff.

Increased Safety and Compliance

Ensures that maintenance tasks comply with safety regulations.

Data-Driven Decisions

Provides valuable data for informed decision-making and continuous improvement.

Traditional Work Order Management

In work order management, traditional methods have often presented challenges that hamper the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance teams. Understanding these challenges is the first step towards implementing more robust and efficient processes.

Identifying the Challenges

Paper-Based Systems

Traditionally, work order management relied heavily on paper-based systems. These are prone to errors, easily misplaced, and often lack real-time data availability.

Manual Coordination

When handled manually, coordinating work orders, especially in larger teams or complex operations, can become cumbersome and inefficient.

Lack of Reporting

Without digital tools, tracking the progress of work orders and generating insightful reports is time-consuming and often inaccurate.

Communication Barriers

Ensuring every team member is updated with the latest information can be challenging, leading to delays and misunderstandings.

Rigid Scheduling

Adapting to sudden changes or emergencies is difficult with rigid, manual scheduling methods.

Modern Solutions

The evolution of digital technologies offers robust solutions to these traditional challenges:

Digital Platforms

Utilising mobile work order management software allows for real-time updating, tracking, and communication, accessible from anywhere.


Automation in work order management streamlines processes, from creating work orders to their assignment and closure.

Centralised Resources

A centralised system enables easy access to all necessary information, enhancing decision-making and coordination.

Enhanced Communication

Digital platforms improve communication, ensuring everyone is on the same page and reducing the chances of miscommunication.

Communication Barriers

Ensuring every team member is updated with the latest information can be challenging, leading to delays and misunderstandings.

Dynamic Scheduling

Advanced scheduling tools adapt to changing priorities and resources, enhancing the ability to respond to urgent needs.

By embracing these modern solutions, organisations can significantly improve their work order management processes, improving operational efficiency and effectiveness. The next section of our blog will guide you through mastering the work order management process, employing these advanced tools and strategies.

For more information, explore mobile work order management software.

The Work Order Management Process

Navigating the work order management process is crucial for smoothly coordinating your maintenance team operations. Let’s break down this process into its key stages and explore how to optimise each step.

Creating and Submitting The Work Order

Identifying the Need: The process begins with recognising a maintenance need or service request, which can originate from various sources within an organisation.

Creating a Work Order: This involves detailing the specific maintenance task, including what needs to be done, where, and any special requirements. Modern systems allow for quick digital creation and submission of work orders.

Submission: Once created, the work order is submitted for approval and prioritisation. You can do this seamlessly through a work order management system.

Prioritising Work Orders

Assessment: Maintenance managers review submitted work orders to determine their legitimacy and urgency.

Prioritisation: Work orders are ranked based on factors like criticality to operations, safety implications, and resource availability.

Approval: Once prioritised, work orders are approved for scheduling and execution. This process is streamlined with digital solutions, where approvals can be granted with a few clicks.

Assigning Work Orders

Task Assignment: Work orders are assigned to the most suitable technicians, considering their skills and current workload. Mobile apps can facilitate quick and efficient assignment.

Tracking Progress: Modern work order management software enables real-time tracking of work orders, offering updates on the status and any issues encountered.

Feedback and Communication: Continuous communication is vital, and mobile solutions allow immediate updates and feedback from technicians on the field.

Closing Out Your Work Orders

Completion of Tasks: The work order is updated to reflect this once the maintenance task is completed.

Documentation: Accurate documentation of the work performed, time taken, and resources used is crucial for future reference and analysis.

Closure: The final step is the formal closure of the work order, signifying that all tasks have been satisfactorily completed.

Leveraging Technology for Efficient Work Order Management

Implementing advanced work order management software can revolutionise this process. Features like automated notifications, centralised data storage, and mobile access enhance efficiency, reduce errors, and improve overall workflow. To learn more about how technology can streamline your work order management, explore job management solutions.

Let’s now look at the benefits of employing work order management software and how it can transform your operational efficiency.

The Benefits of Work Order Management Software

Adopting a digital work order management system can bring transformative benefits to an organisation’s maintenance operations. Let’s delve into how such software can enhance various aspects of work order management.

Streamlining Processes

Integrating automated workflows within work order management software significantly streamlines routine tasks like work order creation and distribution. This automation reduces manual effort, accelerates processes, and leads to a marked increase in overall efficiency.

Real-Time Visibility

Real-time notifications and updates allow maintenance teams to respond more rapidly to urgent requests, effectively reducing equipment downtime and improving response times. Efficient allocation of resources is another significant benefit, as the software provides critical insights into the availability of technicians, inventory levels, and equipment status, ensuring that every resource is optimally utilised.

Single Source of Truth

A centralised system for work order management offers a unified platform where all relevant information is stored. This single source of truth eliminates confusion, improves data accuracy, and ensures everyone in the team can access the same updated information.

Live View of Work Status

Real-time visibility into the status of work orders enhances planning and coordination, allowing for more effective management. The ability to easily access historical work order data is invaluable for identifying trends, predicting future maintenance needs, and optimally planning maintenance schedules.


Real-time visibility into the status of work orders enhances planning and coordination, allowing for more effective management. The ability to easily access historical work order data is invaluable for identifying trends, predicting future maintenance needs, and optimally planning maintenance schedules.

Collaboration Across Departments

Enhanced communication is another critical benefit of implementing work order management software. With mobile apps and web-based platforms, seamless communication is facilitated between team members, irrespective of their physical locations. This feature promotes a collaborative environment where shared access to work orders and documentation leads to more cohesive and coordinated teamwork.

Detailed Reporting and Data Analysis

Finally, the ability to analyse data and generate customisable reports is a significant advantage of using work order management software. This feature enables maintenance managers to make data-driven decisions informed by comprehensive analytics on various aspects of maintenance operations. Customisable reporting tools provide the flexibility to focus on specific metrics such as maintenance performance, expenses, and other vital indicators, offering crucial insights for continuous improvement and strategic planning.

In our next section, we will explore the best practices for successfully implementing a work order management system, ensuring that organisations can fully leverage these benefits to enhance their maintenance operations.

Successful Implementation

Successfully implementing a work order management system can be a complete game-changer. Here are the key steps and considerations to ensure effective implementation and maximise your return on investment:

Step One: Identify System Requirements

Understand the unique needs of your organisation, including the size of your maintenance team, the complexity of your operations, and the specific features you require. Evaluate different work order management software options to find the best fit for your needs. Look for features like user-friendliness, customisation capabilities, and scalability.

Step Two: Integration With Exisiting Systems

Ensure the new software can integrate smoothly with your existing systems to avoid disruptions. Plan a systematic approach for transferring existing data to the new system. This might require professional assistance to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Step Three: Training

Provide thorough training for your staff to ensure they are comfortable using the new system. This might include hands-on workshops, instructional materials, and ongoing support. Consider a phased approach to implementation, starting with a pilot group before rolling out to the entire organisation. This allows for addressing any issues on a smaller scale first.

Step Four: Review and Feedback

Regularly review the system’s performance and gather user feedback. Be open to adjusting and updating the system based on feedback and evolving needs.

Step Five: Measuring Performance

Establish clear metrics to assess the system’s performance, such as response times, maintenance costs, and equipment uptime.

Step Six: ROI Analysis

Evaluate the return on investment by comparing these performance metrics against the costs of implementing and maintaining the system.

Step Seven: Implementation

Put your action plan into motion. This step engages the HR department and team leaders, managers, and even C-suite executives to ensure alignment across the board.

Step Eight: Tracking Progress & Auditing

As with any predictive model, monitoring outcomes and adjusting accordingly is essential. Refine your models and strategies if you see disparities between your forecasts and actual needs. This is a process that can be automated. Check out our article below for more.

In short, a work order management system can streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and provide valuable insights. With careful planning, thoughtful selection, and thorough training, your team can transition smoothly to a more efficient and data-driven approach to maintenance management.

Closing Thoughts

Work order management is essential to modern business operations, particularly in the maintenance and facility management sectors. By understanding and embracing the benefits of work order management systems, organisations can significantly improve their operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and foster a proactive maintenance culture.

The key lies in selecting the right software, ensuring seamless integration, and committing to continuous improvement and adaptation. With these steps, work order management can transform from a routine administrative task into a strategic asset for your organisation.

Edward Bell

Edward Bell, Totalmobile's Content Strategist, shapes and delivers compelling content spotlighting their unique SaaS solutions. With 6+ years in MarComs, his journey spans diverse marketing roles, driven by tech passion. Edward fuels Totalmobile's mission, educating and advocating for impactful solutions across sectors, ensuring ROI for customers.