With the global mobile workforce expected to grow to 1.87 billion in 2022 and at a time of profound challenge for public transport, adopting new technology processes and implementing mobile workforce management solutions is paramount. Transport organisations such as the rail and bus industry will inevitably need to look at ways to streamline services to improve customer satisfaction, reduce operational costs, increase flexibility and enhance staff productivity.
In our latest blog, we take a look at how Transport organisations can adopt new technologies including mobile workforce management solutions to drive enhancements and operational efficiencies throughout their organisation.
The effects of the pandemic
The Transport industry has significantly changed over the past year due to the pandemic, with a shift from daily commuters using public transport to the majority of staff working from home and more citizens taking up cycling and walking. With prohibited travel on airlines for example and a reduction in commuters, as well as reduced social and economic activity, the pandemic has without a doubt not only had a pronounced effect on travel globally, but it’s also changed commuters’ behaviours.
However, now that restrictions are easing, and we return to a post pandemic ‘normality’ the Transport industry expects to see a rise in the number of commuters using public transportation for both leisure and business purposes.
The Williams-Shapps Plan for Rail report agrees that adopting and investing in the right technology and ways of working will help achieve targets and deliver ambitious improvements for passengers in an efficient manner. It states technology will also help improve customer information to reduce delays, minimise disruption to passengers and customers and enable issues to be resolved more efficiently.
So, how can technology help and what type of solutions can ensure the Transport industry can streamline services and improve efficiencies?
Mobile workforce management solutions and digital inspections
With the increased use in mobile devices and apps, Mobile Workforce Management solutions provide staff with the ability to capture intelligent data through digital forms and access the information needed to deliver services efficiently, first time. Staff can receive their assigned work, all accompanying job details, historical job information, useful guides and required forms, that can be completed via the device to streamline the delivery of work.
Mobile solutions and apps include the use of smart forms to carry out digital inspections and evidence the completion of regular tasks such as cleaning and replenishing train carriages. This makes it easier for staff to complete any assessment or inspection, while also providing them with the ability to capture additional details such as signatures or pictures and enhances staff safety with access to a mobile device and communication in real time.
Other benefits include:
- Increase in workforce capacity– through the removal of admin and paperwork, each staff member can focus more of their time on delivering services
- Focused on the needs of the mobile worker while delivering a high-quality service– users can easily access and record information while on the move. Smart forms can be updated in real time, while staff have all the information at the point of service which drives improvements in customer satisfaction
- Gain significant cost savings –through the reduction in operational costs such as reducing paper based processes
- Ensuring compliance across your organisation– guiding staff through an approved workflow using real time smart forms and ensuring all required tasks are effectively completed and evidenced
In particular, Transport service providers will need to adhere to hygiene measures ensuring facilities are clean and monitoring capacity of commuters. The implementation of IoT sensors can monitor equipment, analyse data and trigger alerts should an issue occur. For example, IoT sensors can monitor whether washrooms or carriages need cleaned and occupancy sensors can detect footfall to prevent overcrowding.
Once a sensor identifies an issue, a notification will alert the creation and allocation of work to the appropriate field worker who undertakes the required actions. This ensures that work is completed not only efficiently but it also enables pro-active monitoring of assets rather than reactive before issues escalate further.
Mobile workforce management from Totalmobile
It is evident that Transport service providers will need to implement strategies that ensure services are affordable to use, are reliable and safe for customers and include investment in a digital infrastructure and technology to improve efficiencies. Efficiencies such as improving the quality of service, reducing SLA’s and costs and empowering staff with the right technology to complete their daily tasks.
At Totalmobile, our Mobile Workforce Management solution – Mobilise is provided as part of a fully integrated suite of Field Service Management products, providing your organisation with a diverse range of capabilities that not only enhance the capacity of your mobile workers, but enable additional processes to be automated and optimised. To find out more visit our website here or download our brochure.