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Airports Solution

How the airport industry is meeting increased demand through emerging technology.

Ability to scale staff resources to meet unplanned demands immediately

Using data intelligence to predict passenger flow

Predictive maintenance to monitor the health and performance of equipment real-time

Support employee health & well-being
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improvement in productivity through enhanced customer satisfaction


average cost saving provided by automated planned scheduling


reduction in the cost of recruitment and retaining shift workers

Providing a scalable field operation platform uniquely positioned to provide the Global Airport sector

Better Manage People to Meet Demand

Totalmobile offers a full shift planning optimisation service that ensures you are reacting to planned and unplanned demand effectively with the workforce you have.

We enable organisations to better manage their people by providing a service that allows that ability to efficiently design shift patterns and rosters and self-service shift bids and swaps.

Ultimately that meet the needs of the individual and supports a reduction in stress and enhances well-being and morale.

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Better Manage Planning of Work

Dynamic Workforce Scheduling

Totalmobile helps Airports better allocate resources to meet service demands, ensuring the most efficient distribution of trained staff to achieve complex scheduling goals.

The platform’s adaptability allows for rapid response to required changes during the day, ensuring service delivery remains agile and responsive. This allows a complete understanding of the size and the shape of the workforce needed at any given time – based on current and future inflows of work. Have a look at our Dynamic Scheduling demo.


Technology is playing a pivotal role in reshaping airport operations.

By analysing the collected data, these systems can predict potential failures before they occur. This allows maintenance teams to take proactive measures, as unplanned downtime can be costly. This is especially so in airports where on average, unplanned downtime can cost 35% more per minute than planned downtime.

Rob GilbertManaging Director, Commercial and Infrastructure at Totalmobile

Better Job & Asset Management

Better Job & Asset Management

Totalmobile enables Airports to consolidate all field-based activities into one platform shared across their operations. This centralises all maintenance activities and work orders, whether reactive or planned, customer-initiated or provider-driven.

The seamless integration of front-office, field team, and back-office functions, including compliance and asset management, ensures that all vital information is centralised and easily accessible.

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Anchored Through

Our Platform Capabilities

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The field service management platform adapts to allow for rapid response to required changes during the day, ensuring service delivery remains agile and responsive. This allows a complete understanding of the size and the shape of the workforce needed at any given time – based on current and future inflows of work.

Real-Time Dynamic Scheduling

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An optimised workforce who are empowered

The fully optimised rostering solution ensures the right people with the right skills are available at the right time, working the right shifts. The capability of allowing employees to self-serve their shifts, staff are more involved in the planning of their work, helping to highlight transport organisations as an employer of choice.

Rostering and Shift Pattern Design

Field Service Intelligence

Totalmobile’s comprehensive field service intelligence solution equips local governments with a complete understanding of past, present, and future service delivery. This ensures that critical information is available at the right time, empowering operations management to make effective decisions, enhance field service performance, and drive actual operational value.

Field Service Intelligence

Are you ready to take your scheduling to the next level?

Thousands of field engineers are scheduled each day with Totalmobile’s Telco solutions

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