Reablement is a short and intensive service, usually delivered in the home following a referral from hospital, which is offered to people with disabilities and those who are frail or are recovering from an illness or injury.
The purpose of reablement is to help people stay independent and regain the ability to perform their usual activities, such as cooking meals, washing and dressing and improving their mobility.
Currently, support staff have difficulty accessing support plans within their current back office systems. This disconnect leads to a lack of visibility of service users’ information and a lack of ability to share knowledge and use this knowledge to deliver support and care.
However, our Reablement for Mosaic App in partnership with Servelec processes all information recorded, using mobile workforce management and scheduling capabilities to action this information and allowing visits to be scheduled and delivered more efficiently. This enables staff with the ability to access records, update records and have full visibility of support plans via one system while delivering quality care and support services.
For further information on our Reablement Services, download our brochure.