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Is your current housing repairs solution delivering the benefits that you expect or are you being left behind with a solution which is no longer fit for purpose?

The systems being used in the Housing Repairs sector today haven’t changed much over the past 20 years and most organisations run their business on multiple, varyingly integrated systems. However, technology is ever evolving, and the introduction of modern, intuitive housing repairs solutions are now an enabler to deliver a high standard of service delivery while remaining compliant and responding quickly and effectively to repairs jobs.

Within the last 12 months, the sector has seen has increase in the introduction of fully integrated, cloud based and more customer focused solutions. Where the previous generation of systems primarily focused on responsive repairs and delivered improvements in operative productivity through mobilisation and some scheduling, now people looking for systems want and need the same dramatic transformation in every area of the business. This means delivering a solution that works seamlessly across responsive, planned, programmed, cyclical and major project work, that delivers efficiencies in the back-office around material and stores management, subcontracting and finance.

The scheduling and mobile working capability is still critical but is now a seamless part of the much larger whole solution and needs to be rolled out to all mobile workers. Repairs businesses can now implement a single system that supports the whole business, is easier to use, costs less, is delivered completely from the cloud and drives business transformation.

The other major change is incorporating customer engagement into the heart of the repairs solution, giving customers self-service options and receiving instant feedback on all services. This isn’t just about customer service, it also further streamlines the service driving further efficiencies.

Maintenance and repairs


Connect from Totalmobile is changing the way repairs services are managed. Providing a single, truly integrated solution is the foundation, delivering services from the cloud so staff can work anywhere at anytime is another step forward, but the really big change is driving everything throughout the business from live, interactive dashboards. This ensures senior management have full visibility over issues that require immediate attention, allowing transparency across all areas of your organisation and leading to accurate management of your business processes, effectively eliminating any issues and escalations. When cascaded through every level of the business, housing and building services organisations can continue to drive effective service delivery while meeting the needs of customer demand, reducing costs and increasing workforce productivity and capacity.  

Contact us if you’d like further information on our Connect solution.


Totalmobile is a Field Service Management (FSM) provider passionate about making work and the lives of mobile workers better. An established market leader with 375 staff across the UK and Ireland, Totalmobile supports over 1,000 organisations and 500,000 workers to transform the delivery of field services and experience an exceptional return on investment.